Well, after the excitement of Alice Cooper my bland little life hasn't seemed worth writing about. Not much has happened. The girl and I survived the school holidays without too many dramas, only came close to murder/suicide half a dozen times. At the moment I can't think of a single thing I achieved during the two weeks she was with me 24/7. I guess it doesn't matter, we have food to eat, clean clothes to wear, everything else is a bonus.
Yesterday we went to the salvos and bought a little 60's cupboard to go in the girl's room, $25. We then went to Bunnings and spent $140 on paint and a spray gun. Enough paint, hopefully, to eventually paint her room as well as the cupboard.
The cupboard just fit in the boot of the EK and after getting it home I managed to get it out of the boot and into the back yard (perhaps slogging at the gym is achieving something after all) to sand and paint it.
The girl wanted pale pink with a rainbow. So I sanded all the old varnish off and was busting to use my new spray gun but the girl was even more desperate to help so we used brushes.
She didn't do too bad a job after I explained to her about 75 times how to load up the brush with paint, and we got the first coat done eventually. I prayed it wouldn't rain and left it to dry. We cleaned up, came inside and got out the pencils to work out a design. I favoured the pink background with a very dominant rainbow diagonally across the front and top. The girl has decided on a rainbow just on the front, with love hearts, butterflies and stars and a moon on the top and sides. I honestly don't think I could do that without vomiting. I'll need to wear some sort of Goth talisman while I do it to protect me from the forces of all things pink and fluffy. At least she didn't want dolphins.
So today I sanded it back again and fired up the spray gun. I've always wanted one and it was only $40 so I thought I'd indulge (haven't bought a gadget for weeks). I read the instructions, carefully thinned the paint, sacrificed a pair of pantyhose to strain it, then blasted the cupboard. It looked great, for a few seconds, then every insect in the ACT landed on it and the paint started to run. Bum. So it was back to the brush to remove the flies and midges and fix up the dribbles. Lesson learned – use a finer spray and less paint. So now I pray it doesn't rain and will hopefully finish the pink tomorrow. I wish I could talk the girl into a more subtle design on it, just silver stenciled stars would look great, or a few mirror mosaic tiles scattered across it.
Regardless of how it looks it will ultimately mean the girl has more storage space in her room, which is the most important thing. Actually, with the macabre décor in the rest of the house, I'm not actually surprised she wants to go over the top naff for her room: a sanctuary of pink cuteness for a little girl lost in a sea of spiders, brutally murdered dolls, bats and blackness. I may, however, draw the line at the Ariel curtains she wants, I mean, can't she have pink spiders? Purple bats? I really wish I could steer her towards classic fairies and dragons and castles and away from the Disney pap but all my attempts have been woefully unsuccessful. I will persist.
So she dominates my life for now, that's OK, in a few years I'll be complaining that she never rings me or visits. She'll only be four once and I'll be a grown up for the rest of my life.
Yesterday we went to the salvos and bought a little 60's cupboard to go in the girl's room, $25. We then went to Bunnings and spent $140 on paint and a spray gun. Enough paint, hopefully, to eventually paint her room as well as the cupboard.
The cupboard just fit in the boot of the EK and after getting it home I managed to get it out of the boot and into the back yard (perhaps slogging at the gym is achieving something after all) to sand and paint it.

So today I sanded it back again and fired up the spray gun. I've always wanted one and it was only $40 so I thought I'd indulge (haven't bought a gadget for weeks). I read the instructions, carefully thinned the paint, sacrificed a pair of pantyhose to strain it, then blasted the cupboard. It looked great, for a few seconds, then every insect in the ACT landed on it and the paint started to run. Bum. So it was back to the brush to remove the flies and midges and fix up the dribbles. Lesson learned – use a finer spray and less paint. So now I pray it doesn't rain and will hopefully finish the pink tomorrow. I wish I could talk the girl into a more subtle design on it, just silver stenciled stars would look great, or a few mirror mosaic tiles scattered across it.
Regardless of how it looks it will ultimately mean the girl has more storage space in her room, which is the most important thing. Actually, with the macabre décor in the rest of the house, I'm not actually surprised she wants to go over the top naff for her room: a sanctuary of pink cuteness for a little girl lost in a sea of spiders, brutally murdered dolls, bats and blackness. I may, however, draw the line at the Ariel curtains she wants, I mean, can't she have pink spiders? Purple bats? I really wish I could steer her towards classic fairies and dragons and castles and away from the Disney pap but all my attempts have been woefully unsuccessful. I will persist.
So she dominates my life for now, that's OK, in a few years I'll be complaining that she never rings me or visits. She'll only be four once and I'll be a grown up for the rest of my life.
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