Tomorrow the pre-school is having a B-day party. The kids are dressing up as something that begins with B and we have to take a plate of food. I assumed the girl would go as a butterfly or ballerina or even, I cringe as I type this, a bride. But no, I was totally wrong. My beautiful little pink princess is going to B day as…..Batman!! And the biscuits we are taking are not butterflies but bones and bats! Praise be for the B. Dare I begin to hope that the pinkness is fading? These small victories give me strength... 
p.s. there were 7 batmen, 2 bumble bees, buzz lightening, bob the builder, a brumby's fan, half a dozen butterflies and a couple of ballarinas.

p.s. there were 7 batmen, 2 bumble bees, buzz lightening, bob the builder, a brumby's fan, half a dozen butterflies and a couple of ballarinas.
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