Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Never say never

Last night I did something I said I would never do. This is not too unusual; I often make proclamation of "never", only to discover that "never" does not always fit the conventional interpretation.
There have been times when I have had a jolly good go at "never". In the mid 80's I decided "never" to eat at McDonalds again (them being one of the evil empires). This lasted until the late 90's. Not bad, and then I only gave in because I was drunk and hungry and the victim of peer group pressure.
Some "never"s that have been much less successful were: mortgage, career, marriage, children, track pants, living in the 'burbs, short hair, drink that much again, marry again and PVC. Obviously most of those were the declarations of an idealistic, naive young person. I mean, what did I think I was doing at uni if I wasn't going to end up with a career? And no-one can predict the force by which the old biological clock grabs you and shakes you until you consent to conception.
A few "never"s that I have maintained for sometime now are: to sky dive again, to go in the sun without hat and/or sunscreen, wear yellow or orange, join the army (that's too easy) or buy shares in BHP. Others that I mostly stick to but make occasional exceptions include watching blockbuster films, reading books written by men, listening to anything that has made the top 20 or buying merchandising crap for the child. I view these as guidelines more than rules and it is with that view that I gave in last night.
I watched Alien V Predator.
Actually, it was pretty good.