My previous mobile phone was an LG U880. It had a camera and it could play mp3 files. It came with a cable that connected it to the computer via a USB port and transferring files was a cinch. Each of my friends had their own ring tone, which made life much simpler. For example, when my phone started bawling out "I fucken hate you, you're such a liar" (Godsmack) I knew my ex-husband was ringing and I could ignore it. I had over 2 dozen songs stored on the phone and as many photos. My new phone, an LG U310 was supposed to be a "free upgrade". My first discovery was that there is no way to physically connect the phone to a computer, it has Bluetooth. So off I go and fork out $50 for a Bluetooth adaptor for my laptop. So much for the "free" part. I get it all connected, which was quite a bit of fiddling around and a total pain in the arse, and I start downloading songs. After the grand total of 2 mp3 files the memory is full. What?? I read the manual and try to find how much memory the stupid thing is supposed to have. I couldn't. I did, however, discover that an "optional extra" is a memory card. Well, there, as far as I'm concerned, goes the "upgrade" bit. This phone is more difficult to use and requires the purchase of at least 2 "optional extras" to make it as-good-as the previous model. I was furious. I stormed back to the shop and asked them to explain which part of having to pay for extra bits to make the phone comparable to the previous model comprised a free upgrade. They informed me that I could purchase a 512mb card for $50. I argued that they should give me one free in order to meet with the free upgrade part of the deal. They declined and told me to ring "customer care". I realized that there was no-one working in the shop over the age of 17 and they didn't have the authority to do anything, so I left.
Once home I rang customer care, which of course is a call centre in India.
I saw a documentary several months ago about this whole call centre thing. The documentary was apparently presenting both sides of the coin although I felt one side had been polished a bit more than the other. The bottom line was this: call centres in Australia are typically staffed by uni students and backpackers who are doing it merely to make a bit of money on the side. It is in no way considered a real job. Call centres in India are staffed by people who study really hard and compete for the jobs. It is considered an honourable career and they exampled a woman who had given up being a surgeon to work at the call centre because the pay and benefits were better. The final polish was the statement that often the workers at these centres were supporting their entire family. OK, I was convinced. I stopped complaining about the damn call centres and tried to be nicer whenever I had to deal with one.
So I went through my rant with the Indian girl, stating that I had been mislead into signing a further 24 month contract with the free upgrade which was in reality a downgrade and if I paid an extra $100 was at best a replacement. I said I wanted a free memory card and/or a substantial discount on my plan as compensation for being ripped off. No. So I asked to speak to somebody else. She put me on hold for at least 10 minutes, probably hoping that I would go away, then her supervisor picked up the phone. She was even more pedantic. Did I check the memory specifications and features of the new phone before I purchased it? No I didn't. Well then it's not our fault. We debated the meaning of the word "upgrade" and the responsibilities of sale staff under these circumstances. She would not budge. She would not help me. There was no-one else I could talk to. End of story. I was basically being told to piss off.
I went to the phone book – there is no other number for 3, just the call centre. I went to their website – no other contact was available. Finally I decided to ring Hutchinson, the company that owns 3. I asked to speak to somebody regarding a complaint about my 3 mobile. The girl said, very sweetly, "certainly, putting you through"….to the fucking call centre in India. My head exploded. I rang Hutchison back, explained to the very sweet girl that I DID NOT want to speak to India, I wanted to speak to a company representative in Australia. "The are none" was the reply. "There is not a single representative of 3 in Australia?" "None that deal with customers". I persevered, finally she asked me to hold and transferred me again.
Another Indian voice on the phone. I asked, in a less than sweet voice, if I was speaking to Customer Care in India. "You are speaking to the Priority Care centre, we deal specifically with complaints" – geographical location undisclosed.
So off I went on my tirade again. I explained that a free upgrade should in fact, be FREE and an UPGRADE. She agreed and offered to give me $100 credit on my account to cover the cost of the additional accessories and took down the details of where the sale was made so the staff could be informed of their mistake. She also explained that if I ring the technical help line any problems I have connecting the phone or using the handset would be dealt with, in fact, they would be "delighted" to help me. She then gave me the number of this call centre, this secret call centre, the number of which does not appear anywhere on the 3 web site, this centre which is not mentioned by the other centre. This centre which actually solves problems and tries to keep customers happy. This centre that you have to walk over hot coals to get to.
Unless of course, you are reading this……3 Priority Care Centre 1800 426 717. Pass it on.
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