Apparently today is the second last day of this hellish heatwave. Let's hope the meteorologists are right. It’s almost midnight and it’s still 30˚C. A significant portion of Victoria is on fire: 100 homes have been lost and 14 people have been killed. Meanwhile North Queensland is flooded. Us whiteys should really have thought twice before settling here, we just don’t fit in. Don’t misunderstand me – I love Australia, it’s beautiful, and socially we are better off than most, but the weather!! It’s hell being a Goth when it’s 40˚C! There was a similar heatwave in the early 90’s and I was suffering so much I wore white for a few days (some op shop clothes I hadn’t got around to dying). I haven’t given in this time, although I have spent most evenings and most of today wearing just my underwear - only dressing to leave the house to attend the parent information session at the music school my girl will be attending. It was one of those awful, patronising affairs that made me want to slap somebody. We were asked to introduce ourselves to the person next to us and learn something about them. We then had to tell the class what we had learned. When the teacher was giving us these instructions I almost walked out, that kind of condescending bollocks makes me really angry. I did my best and even managed to smile when the woman I was talking to asked why I didn’t have my daughter with me and said, trying really hard not to sound too cynical, “because it’s a parent information session and we were asked not to bring our kids”. “Oh!” she exclaimed, “I didn’t know that”. “It was in the letter they sent out telling us about today” I managed to sweetly say through clenched teeth. Myself and one other woman were apparently the only ones who did read the letter as all the others had their kids sitting there. Damn I hate it when people can’t follow instructions! (refer to Stupid is as Stupid does, a late 2008 blog) Anyway, I couldn’t decide if it were me or my “partner” who gave the academy award winning performance as she introduced me as “a really nice lady”.
I’m a bit excited to be doing piano with the girl. A year ago I took her to the same music school and we sat in on a lesson. The parents always accompany the child and play along with them. This is apparently so we know what they are doing and can help them during the week. When we got home from observing the lesson I asked the girl if she thought that piano lessons were something she might enjoy. She replied “Oh, I don’t need piano lessons, I can already play!” and proceeded to sit down at the piano, open up the music book (very professional like) then started banging away on the keys. I couldn’t argue with her. But just before Christmas she requested piano lessons. I was really pleased and enrolled her a few weeks ago. I hope she enjoys it. I also hope I get to learn something too; I’d love to be able to play the piano.
So tonight I have watched The Lost Boys 2 (eh), Monster’s Ball (love Billy Bob) and Pretty in Pink (really don’t get Molly Ringwald). I’ve peeled the doona off the child, who was soaked in sweat and probably about to give herself hyperthermia, fed the cat and written a blog. I will now go and have a cold shower and attempt to sleep. Come on autumn, I know you’re out there.
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Saturday, February 7, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
Lucky I'm an atheist
"The greatest threat to today's society is the rise of the gothic subculture. Goth is a sinister and violent subculture obsessed with Satanism, Wicca, Vampirism, BDSM, rape, child abuse, Hitler, bondage, sick sexual perversions, serial killers, death, drugs, self mutilation and other sick practices to vile to mention. Goth's are the Devil's Children. In my opinion, Goths are more dangerous to children than pedophiles" - Rev. R.G. Green
WOW! What an amazing site!
But I have a wonderful relationship with all of my children and my parents. I am a respected research scientist and I don't take illegal drugs. I've never raped anybody or worshipped Satan. Gosh, darn it, I've spent the last 25 years thinking I was a Goth but now I find I am seriously lacking in true Goth characteristics. Oh dear, I better go and buy a beige cardigan....
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Breakfast with Batgirl
This is the superhero who greeted me this morning at the breakfast table. I love my girl's randomness, except when it involves shopping centres.
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Labels: parenting
Thursday, February 5, 2009
The Cramps
Lux Interior has died. It is a sad day in the music world. Lux Interior, co-founder of The Cramps, has left us. The Cramps were one of my staples when I was in my mid-teens, A Date With Elvis one of my favourite albums. I moved away from them as my Goth tastes developed but I always remained very fond of them. I recently found a copy of A Date With Elvis on CD, which I was chuffed about as my vinyl copy of the album dissapeared long ago.
Thanks Lux, Gods bless.
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