So another year has slipped away, I am now 39 years old. Ouch!
We celebrated on Sunday so my delinquent step son could be there. Actually he’s been really good since he got expelled from school (duh!). He helped me work on the vauxhall on Thursday and on Sunday he played a song for me that he had written. There are no doubts that the child is a genius with a guitar and I hope he becomes a famous rock star soon and we can forget the whole school disaster. He is actually a very sweet kid and when he wants to be he can be good company. It was nice to be reminded that I do love him, it’s been difficult recalling that in recent months.
The husband, struggling with a nasty cold, managed to cook a seafood BBQ extravaganza for me. The poor thing was a bit addled by the cold&flu medication I gave him and at one stage I found him in the kitchen holding a platter of food, crying, because the platter was actually wider than the doorway and he couldn’t bring the food out to us. Later in the evening, after much booze had been consumed, he decided to do a nudie run to the end of our street. Unfortunately our neighbour simultaneously decided to put out some rubbish. Hopefully the poor women will recover soon.
The girl gave me a packet of little, rubber snakes, some pink chocolate coins and a pink and gold hula hoop. Absolutely no projection going on there!
The husband gave me a lovely spider web necklace and an ice cream machine to replace my old one which doesn’t freeze anything anymore. I am convinced that one day I will no longer be on a diet and I will actually be able to eat some ice cream produced in said machine.
On Monday, feeling somewhat worse for wear after two bottles of champagne and a bottle of wine the night before, I slept, ate leftover BBQ and watched dvds. It was nice to be so indulgent.
Today the girls in my pump class at the gym gave me a bunch of flowers and sang happy birthday to me. They are a gorgeous group of women and have been an important link for me. Some weeks they have saved me from total isolation and I’m sure they don’t realise what a difference they have made to my life here. I do have one close friend here, but she works shifts and it’s hard to get any decent girly time. Fortunately she was able to be here on Sunday and I also had many phone calls and messages from interstate friends and relatives so overall I’ve had a rather good birthday three days.
It’s nice to be reminded how much I am loved. I have trouble recalling that sometimes too.
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Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Another trip 'round the sun
Friday, March 14, 2008
All those years ago my friend and I arrived at the concert venue several hours before the doors opened, we weren’t the first there. There was a young man, resplendid with mohawk, chains and big boots, sitting on the footpath with a book titled "Social Anarchy" next to him, while he perused the Financial Times.
Eventually, when the doors opened, we got rushed and almost lost our great position, but managed to run inside and be right at the front, quite literally crushed against the stage - the bruises on my ribs lasted over a week. Died Pretty were the support band and they were great. Our anarchist friend went beserk, he was leaping around, stage diving, going absolutely spako and eventually collapsed and had to be carted out. Poor thing. I didn’t see him again and I don’t know if he actually got to see J&MC after all.
I was, of course, dressed to impress. I was wearing a very tight, low cut mini dress with knee high lace-up boots that had 4" stiletto heels. My hair was HUGE! Towards the interval the pain in my legs got so bad and the air was so thick with cigarette smoke that for one of the rare times in my life - I feinted.
My dear friend organised a chain of people to get a glass of water from the bar to me. I discovered that the air on the floor was much cooler and much less smokey than the air at head height, and I recovered reasonably quickly. I also found a watch. After I had revived I took my shoes off and was able to remain upright for the spectacular performance that I had come for.
The boys were late coming on and were obviously pissed off about something. Life? They wandered about on stage without communicating with each other or acknowleging the audience. They played several songs, then mid song Jim just walked off. Eventually when the other band members realised he had gone, they dropped their instruments and walked off too. That was it. I was elated, I thought it was brilliant. Their sullen disrespect for their fans and their arrogantly short set impressed me immensely. Most of all I was over the moon because Jim, at one point, had looked me right in the eyes and held my raptured gaze for a few seconds. It was pure magic.
In later years when J&MC lost their niave, raw grunginess I lost interest in them; I moved on. I discovered PJ Harvey. I listened exclusively to women for many years having decided I was sick of hearing what men had to say/sing about.
My music for most of the nineties consisted of PJ, Kate Bush, Sinead O’Conner, Cyndi Lauper, Siouxsie, Lene Lovich and few others. I immersed myself in the gutteral screams of PJ, the ethereal beauty of Kate, Sinead’s power, Lene and Cyndi’s shrill individuality and Siouxsie was the bread and butter that all the others were served on.
I have seen PJ three times, she is brilliant, although I didn’t like her last album. Kate, well, only a handfull of very lucky people have ever seen her perfom live and sadly her last album was rubbish. Cyndi I have seen three times now, she is fabulous. Siouxsie I have seen perform with the Banshees and with The Creatures, she is also fabulous and I suspect has a very scary looking portrait in her attic. Sinead is this week playing Melbourne and Sydney, she has never toured Australia before. Unfortunately I didn’t find out about her tour until after I had purchased tickets for Cyndi and I couldn’t do both - unreasonable financially and for the child. I am very sad I won’t get to see her, I know Sinead went totally loopy and probably still is, but I believe she is doing a mix of old and new stuff on this tour and the opportunity to hear her magnificent voice live would have been worth the wierdness.
I have always loved music, it has been an important part of my adult life and is no doubt responsible for my bad hearing. It makes perfect sense that I have married a man who owns over 3000 CDs and it also makes sense that while discussing future renovations we are more concerned about the wiring and placement of the stereo and speakers than the heating.
My love of live music has been diminished ever so slightly over the years by the behaviour of the crowds these days - the commeradere of old is gone. If I feint at J&MC this time the best I can hope for is to not get trampled, I doubt total strangers would assist in the procurement of water or even help me to my feet. Fortunately with age comes a certain amount of wisdom and a love of sensible shoes.

Sunday, March 9, 2008
Why is it, that whenever I find something really, really good it suddenly ceases to exist? I spent half my adult life searching for the perfect shade of purple/black lipstick - I finally found one - in the discontinued stock bin at the chemist. The tiles on my hearth in my little house in the city are the perfect art deco tiles I wanted - also from the discontinued bin. There was just enough to do the hearth but heaven forbid if one ever gets broken... And as for finding parts for my car, well that's just a nightmare. My favourite restaurant in Fitzroy dissapeared a few years ago, I can't get Hillman's roasted garlic mayonnaise anymore, or chilli Tim Tams. Boots no 7 moisteriser isn't available in Australia and Blandberra's only goth club closed down not long after I got here. Trivial perhaps, but important to me.
I recently saw the film Serenity. It had been recommended to me previously, but I'm a bit dim and I forgot all about it until the husband came home from the dvd shop with it a few weeks ago. In short, the film is a work of genius. I then bought the tv series Firefly, of which Serenity was the pilot (sort of). I just finished watching the 14 episodes last night. Brilliant. Sci Fi at it's best. Now I'm a long term treckie, Next Gen and DS9 do it for me, not so wrapped in the others, oh the original of course, but I love the grittyness of DS9 and the smarmy shinyness of Next Gen. Firefly is something else entirely. The first big difference is there are no aliens, just humans spread across the universe. Technology has evolved, but humans haven't. Apparently that was Joss Whedon's premis - times change, we don't. And as such the characters are so real...they have sex (OMG!!!), swear at and insult each other, they are dysfunctional, they make mistakes and even - go to the toilet! It's like, and I hate to admit this, Star Trek for grown ups. The grit of DS9 looks like rose scented talcum powder compared to FF. In one episode one character asks another about the bad guys "what will they do to us?" the reply was "rape us to death, eat our flesh and stitch our skin to their clothes. And if we are very, very lucky - they'll do it in that order." Wow! Not even the meanest, low downest, dirtiest, scariest badie in Star Trek ever did anything like that! These are real bad guys. I love it. It is the best sci fi I have ever seen. And they only ever made one season. Fox axed it and there will never be anymore.
Apparently there have been petitions and campaigns to get more made, but it's not going to happen. The best we can hope for is another movie. I went to one of the fan sites to see what's going on, but it was just endless, mindless conversations about things like "would you rather be Jayne's shirt or Mal's trousers?" I found it all quite annoying. Why do sci fi geeks have to be SO fuckin' GEEKY? Anyway, I digress, my dissatisfaction with my peers is subject for another blog. So how come they will make endless series of tv shows about doctors and lawyers and detectives and seriously, how many more of those damn shows are we going to be bombarded with, yet they can't allow an utterly brilliant sci fi series to flourish? It is quite simply, a crime against the tv watching population. And more evidence of just how short sighted and stupid the Fox execs are.
I lament, I am sad and I think perhaps I should be doing something a wee bit more constructive with my life.
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Sunday, March 2, 2008
The only goths in the villiage
I then came home, ate the scrambled eggs my husband had cooked me, drove him to work, came home again, packed, printed out bus/hotel details, locked up the house, fed the animals, got the bus into the "city", got my nails done, collected the husband and got on the bus to Sydney at 3pm. I dozed most of the way there, being startled awake by some idiots phone going off several times (why do people have to have such loud and annoying ring tones? That said, the husband constantly complains that he can't get hold of me because I never hear my phone ringing.)
At the hotel we got changed into our full goth regalia then headed off down George street to find some dinner. We ended up at a Korean BBQ place, which was really good. The pan fried dumpling were particularly good, mind you, after constant dieting ANYTHING with fat and carbs in it would have brought me ecstatic pleasure.
We then waddled up to the State Theatre. I had never been there before and it is gorgeous, utterly stunningly beautiful. In desperate (literally) need of more female toilets, but one of the more elegant theatres I have ever been in.
As we are now grown up and I had bought tickets not long after they went on sale we had really good seats - the last row of the stalls, so about 6 rows from the stage. I was stoked. This was the third time I had been to see Cyndi, the first was in 1989, I was at uni so couldn't afford a decent seat, she played at the Tennis Centre in Melbourne and I was so far up the back I needed binoculars to see her. I didn't mind, she was brilliant. The second time I saw her was a couple of years ago, I was up in the balcony so had a good view but was still a bit far away. That concert was also brilliant. It was not long after the release of her At Last CD and she did a great mix of old, new and in-between. She performed for two hours and was vey entertaining. In spite of being there by myself I had a ball.
I love Cyndi, I have loved her from the minute she hit our screens in the eighties. I had shaved bits of my head and wore elaborate clothes and when I first saw her I immediately felt she was a kindred spirit. Then I read an interview in which she said she was bullied at school because she was weird and I KNEW we were soul mates. She has the most incredible voice, and it's unique, she doesn't conform and she can belt it out big time. But I only want to listen to her music, respectfully quiet while she is performing then cheering my tits off between songs. I don't want to hang around out the back of the theatre waiting for her to come out so I can grab at her and I don't want to loiter around her hotel. People who do that are creepy and a bit sad.
On the way home we did the math: $130 for the bus, $140 for the hotel, $120 each for tickets - that's over $500 for and hour and a half's entertainment.
I'm sorry Cyndi, you're an ace performer and I adore your work, but in hindsight - you weren't worth 500 bucks. And just for the record - Sydney SUCKS!!
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